
GMMs’ Order of Service to Operative Masonry (O.S.O.M.)

2003            Rt.W. Bro.  Edward Laurence Joseph Smith        VIIº

2008            Rt.W. Bro.  Peter Ernest Albert Fotheringham    VIIº

2009            Rt.W. Bro.  Paul Herbert Davis                               VIIº

2013            Rt.W. Bro.  Brian Blanchard                                    VIIº

2015            Rt.W. Bro.  David Charles Kibble-Rees                  VIIº


The Grand Masters’ Award (G.M.A.)

2019            Rt.W. Bro. Nigel Matthew Petrie                            VIIº

2019            Rt.W. Bro. Colin Boughton                                      VIIº

2019            Rt.W. Bro. Edmund Yee Wah Wong                       VIIº


GMMs’ Distinguished Service Award (D.S.A.)

2007            Rt.W. Bro.  Edgar Vincent Griffin                           VIIº

2014               Wy. Bro.  Michael Alexander Sienkiewicz          V°

2014            Rt.W. Bro.  Madhavan Chellappa                           VII°

2014                 W. Bro.  George Alfred Johnson                        VI°

2017             Rt.W.Bro.  Michael Edward Herbert                     VII°

2017             Rt.W.Bro.  James John Field                                   VII°

2017             Rt.W.Bro.  Brian William Price                               VII°

2018             Rt.W.Bro.  Geoffrey Henry Round                         VII°

2018             Rt.W.Bro.  Walter Beard                                          VII°

2018             Rt.W.Bro. Aaron Ramson White                            VII°

2018             Rt.W.Bro. George Robert Haynes                         VII°

2018             Rt.W.Bro. Matthew David Dupee                         VII°

2019             Rt.W.Bro. Christopher Scott Wallace                   VII°

2019             Rt.W.Bro. Derek Michael Hedges                         VII°

2019             Rt.W.Bro. James Millar Heron                               VII°


Freeman of the Society

2014            Rt.W. Bro. Kenneth Alan Wilson                           VII°

2015            Rt.W. Bro. Stephen Forster                                    VII°

2017            Rt.W. Bro. Kenneth Donald Kennedy                   VII°

2017            Rt.W. Bro. Ian Paterson Duff                                  VII°

2017            Rt.W. Bro. James A. Tait                                          VII°

2017            Rt.W. Bro. James Williamson                                 VII°

2018            Rt.W. Bro.  David Charles Kibble-Rees                 VIIº  OSOM

2019            Rt.W. Bro. Geoffrey Henry Round                         VII0 DSA

                                                                                                                † …. Deceased